PLC Keyence KV-X500

SKU: KV-X500
Hãng sản xuất: Keyence
Chất lượng: Mới 100%
Bảo hành: Chính hãng
Chứng từ: CO/CQ, hóa đơn VAT

cam kết bán hàng giá tốt
Báo giá
Mã: KV-X500 Danh mục: ,
Power Supply VoltageKV-5000/3000: 24 VDC (±10%)
KV-8000/7000: 24 VDC (-15%/+20%)
Operating TemperatureKV-5000/3000: 0 to +50°C (No freezing)
KV-8000/7000: 0 to +55°C (No freezing)
Storage TemperatureKV-5000/3000: -20 to +70°C
KV-8000/7000: -25 to +75°C
Operating & Storage HumidityUp to 95% RH (No condensation)
Operating EnvironmentNo dust or corrosive gas
Operating AltitudeUp to 2000m
Noise ImmunityComplies with IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/6
Withstand Voltage1500 VAC for 1 minute (Between power supply terminals and I/O, between external terminals and chassis)
Insulation Resistance50 MΩ or more (Measured with 500 VDC megohmmeter)
Vibration ResistanceIntermittent: 5-9 Hz: Amplitude 3.5 mm, 9-150 Hz: Acceleration 9.8 m/s²
Continuous: 5-9 Hz: Amplitude 1.75 mm, 9-150 Hz: Acceleration 4.9 m/s²
Shock ResistanceAcceleration: 150 m/s², Shock duration: 11ms, Tested 2 times along X, Y, Z axes
Pollution Degree2
Internal Power ConsumptionMax. 600 mA
WeightApprox. 410g
Processing SpeedI/O Contacts: Min. 0.50 ns
Double-precision floating point calculation: Min. 1.0 ns
Program MemoryCapacity: 128 MB
Max. Number of Programs: 4000
Max. Number of Materials100,000
Programming LanguagesLadder, Structured Text, Mnemonic
CPU Memory Capacity128 MB
VariablesTotal Capacity: 124 MB (Retained: 3.5 MB)
Total Max. Count: 200,000 (Retained: 100,000)
Supported Data TypesBOOL, UINT, INT, UDINT, DINT, REAL, LREAL, TIME, STRING, ARRAY, Structure, Union, Function Block
ArrayMax. Elements per Dimension: 1,040,187,392
Max. Dimensions: 8
Max. Capacity per Array: 65,011,712 words
Structure & UnionMax. Definitions: 8000
Max. Elements per Definition: 2048
Max. Nesting Depth: 8

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